The Tennessee Titans Benefit From Smart Cardio Equipment
Tom Kanavy, the head strength and conditioning coach of the Tennessee Titans, is in charge of training elite NFL athletes. He needed a way to provide cardio workouts built specifically for different position players. Diane Cummings came to the rescue, and did it all through email and a short phone call or two.
A few months ago Kanavy started using custom programs for his football players on Life Fitness treadmills. Because of that overwhelming success, this spring he decided to integrate custom programs into his Life Fitness PowerMill climbers too. Cummings, a Life Fitness Digital Success Coach, worked with Kanavy before to set up the custom treadmill programs geared toward specific player positions.
“They are a very effective means of improving the conditioning of all players of all positions,” said Kanavy. “Thanks to Diane and her team, the speed changes and workout duration are now automatic. So more players can train at any given time without the need for a trainer to manually change the speed as they run. This has been an invaluable addition to our strength and conditioning program.”
When it was time for doing the same with his PowerMills, coach Kanavy emailed Cummings a Word document with his custom programs, names and PowerMill serial numbers. She had her team upload the programs overnight. Instead of sending a litany of instructions on how to program these workouts into the machines, the Digital Success Coaches remotely uploaded the custom programs themselves—no videos, links or lengthy phone calls.
“Diane collected the specifics from me and programmed everything remotely,” added Kanavy. “Those programs are also now up and running, and used daily by our team.”
Kanavy’s email response before Diane’s call with him and his team was a positive one: “Wanted you to know the new custom PowerMill programs are up and they look great. I tried one and it worked perfectly.”
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