What are METs & Watts?
METs are a shorthand representation of VO2, and they represent the amount of energy required to perform the physical activity at hand. Therefore, the higher the MET level, the more physical work is being performed. Physical activities are frequently classified by their intensity, using METs as a reference. As physical activity increases, more oxygen is needed to supply energy for the contracting muscles. 1 MET is the rate of energy expenditure while sitting at rest. At 10 METs an individual is working 10 times harder than when they are at rest, and so on.How METs are Used
- Exercise professionals use METs to prescribe levels of exercise, especially in cardiac and pulmonary rehab.
- Individuals who have specific energy expenditure goals but want to vary their physical activity type or intensity use METs.
- Professionals and individuals use METs to monitor and progress their cardiovascular exercise program.
- METs are a useful, convenient, and standardized way to describe the absolute intensity of a variety of physical activities.
Exercise Intensity Using METs
- Light Activity < 3.0 METs
- Moderate Activity 3.0-6.0 METs
- Vigorous Activity > 6.0 METs
Watts = Power Output (where power is work/time). If the exercise machine in set at a certain level of resistance, it takes a certain amount of power, or watts, to exercise at that level.All SCIFIT products feature the Constant Work program. You can choose to set a constant Watts level or constant METs level, depending on your preferences.